Okay, I have to admit I was almost worried about this movie. It seemed too good to be true. Two actors I love from Stargate Atlantis
When you add in Kate Hewlett, who I loved in her Atlantis appearance, Christopher Judge, and a chance to see Rachel Luttrell play a different character, I knew I had to see this movie.
I also knew that there was a chance I would be disappointed. Sometimes, when something gets built up in your mind, you're almost afraid to experience it because it might not live up to your expectations.
A Dog's Breakfast is not that kind of movie. It is everything it said it would be, it is a dark comedy, it is hilarious, and really shows off the acting skills of all involved. While Luttrell plays an alien princess, her character is part of a fantastic "Space Soap Opera" spoof that had us all laughing as we watched. I would watch Star Crossed any day of the week.
While Hewlett's character, Patrick, has some mannerisms related to Dr. McKay, in the end he is his own neurotic crazy person. Paul McGillion steals the show, playing Ryan in a way that is absolutely nothing like Dr. Carson Beckett.
The plot is very over the top, and it could have been too much. Patrick doesn't like his sister's fiance, Ryan. So he contemplates killing the man to get him out of the way. His attempts at murder are so inept they usually leave Patrick injured instead of his intended victim.
But in one moment the movie suddenly starts to become so bizarre that you're not sure where it could be going. It's saving grace is that almost at the second where you look at your television and say, "No way" the movie suddenly starts to make a twisted kind of sense.
The group I watched it with was almost constantly laughing and talking to the screen. I know I am going to put it on my list of films to buy and own.
As an added bonus, the DVD actually contains special features. I expected it to be a nearly bare disc, with the movie and perhaps some subtitling options. Instead there are featurettes, commentary, and a few deleted and extended scenes. The deleted scenes, like almost every set I've seen, aren't really worth inclusion if it wasn't for clearer versions of the scenes from Star Crossed. But the featurettes are actually revealing and interesting. You see behind-the-scenes moments and interviews with everyone involved. David Hewlett still has a great sarcastic sense of humor as a person.
This movie is absolutely worth renting, and if you already like the actors at all then go ahead and buy it. It is well worth it.